Simplify your life.
The services listed below can help. We invite you to visit with one of our dedicated New Accounts Representatives and find out for yourself why First Federal Savings Bank of Champaign-Urbana is the place to help you get what you want out of life.
- Accommodation (Bank) Checks*: $2.00 each ($5.00 each for non-customers)
- Auto License Sticker*: $9.50 each
- Coin Counting: Free to accountholders (3% of the total for non-customers)
- Coverdraft*: $5.00 per daily transfer (not available with Free Checking)
- Direct Deposit: Free
- Notary Service*: $1.00 per item (customers only)
- Safe Deposit Box (Effective August 15, 2017, annual fees: 3x5x24: $25, 3x10x24: $40, 5x10x24: $55, 10x10x24: $100, 22x16x24: $125, 44x16x24: $150)
- Signature Guarantee: $10.00 per item (customers only)
- U.S. Savings Bond Redemption: Free
- Visa Gift Cards: $5 per gift card
- Wire Transfer: $15.00 incoming/$25.00 outgoing to a domestic bank
Zipper Bags: $5.00 without lock/$15.00 with lock
* FREE for Club Fed Members

Personal lending made simple with our friendly lending team.
Your home, vehicles, motorcycles, boats, personal watercraft or home improvements - you name it and we want to finance it for you!